Friends Not Masters….

اپنے معیار سے گر کر تجھے کیسے چاھوں 

سر تو دے سکتا ھوں دستار نہیں دے سسکتا
Relationship is very tricky affair. One is treading all the time on very tight rope. A slight mistake can bring one’s down and then will take a very long time from achieving that very status. We often forget that it is two way traffic and both of us has to show sincerity and dedication to continue. It is not a one way traffic where one will keep on going uninterrupted. Interruptions and hurdles confront us regularly and would have to be tackled in a wise manner.   
 Lord Palmerston’s definition of international relations can also be applied to human’s relations as well. Every one moves around one’s own interest and and it is highly likely that one’s interest may coincide with the interest of other partner. While, we keep on watching our own interest, we can not overlook the interest of second person too.
One can definitely love  other and even can sacrifice one’s own life for the continuation of Love, but, humiliation and condemnation in the name of Love can not be accepted. Gone are the days when one use to make other people slaves by dint of might. The word of slavery is now only present in dictionary now. One should act like friends and not as masters.

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